I know, I know, %26quot;You're problem is you drive a Geo Tracker.%26quot; Ha ha, now we have that out of the way.
It's a 1997 Geo Tracker with 175000 miles on it. Lately it feels like it's running a little rough, especially in idle. When it starts up the idle chokes a little and there is a knocking in the engine. That subsides once it warms up.
While driving it shifts really hard and aruptly, and sometimes it doesn't seem to want to shift down when I hit the gas and need the extra speed.
What I was going to do this weekend was:
Change the Spark-Plugs.
Put some Fuel Injector cleaner into it.
Next week I was going to take it in to get the Transmission flushed.
Is there anything else that I should look at doing or getting done? (Besides getting a new car. Ha ha. We'll see how many responses I get along that line).%26039;97 Geo Tracker Problems.?
Well if you convert it from a GEO to another car, your problems will be over------for a while!
Now that I have that out of the way (you were expecting it).
You may have some build up on the throttle body. Use some TB cleaner and spray into the throat of it real good. The shifting troubles may be in the transmission, and that can be costly, but bad plugs/wires can cause similar symptoms. After 175K, they probably need (wires) changing anyway.
The knocking in the engine is a concern. Somewhere you are loosing oil pressure. It may be time to switch to a straight 30W motor oil. That may help. New crank bearings and oil pump may be in order. Not too costly if you can do it yourself.