Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can Someone with experience can help me with my SUV?

How much would it be to fix a tranmission seal in the rear engine seal too in change the transmission fluids and filtrs + gasket, One more thing clean the throttle body and fuel injector? How much would everything would be including the parts and labor? If you can PLEASE give me a estimated? Thanks!

Oh By the way the vechiles is a 2000 Dodge Durango 5.9 engine 4 wd with 105k,miles!Can Someone with experience can help me with my SUV?
quite a bit, as long as its not leaving puddles id just keep an eye on the fluid levels, dont flush the transmission it could make the leak worse, and a 3 step fuel system treatment is around 85.00Can Someone with experience can help me with my SUV?
rear engine seal alone is about 1000.00 parts and labor transmission service about 150.00 to 200.00 dollars cleaning the fuel system around about 200 to 300 dollarsCan Someone with experience can help me with my SUV?
I'm not sure which trans seal your referring to, the rear seal in the tail of the trans? 1.5-2hr of labor, $100-$250, plus parts. (100 per hr rate)

To fix the rear main seal on the engine is more labor than parts, the trans has to come out and fly wheel removal. 2.5-5.5hr of work @ $100 per hr, you looking at $250-$550 plus parts.

To flush and filter fluid change in the trans, flat fee, $100-$200 bucks

So a ball park estimate for all work would be $450-$1000.00 depending on the billable labor rates plus parts, add an extra $50-$75.00 for parts.Can Someone with experience can help me with my SUV?
Look to spend around $600.00.
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