1993 buick regal 3.1 multiport . most of the time it runs bad and smells like gas, and after it worms up, once in a while it will run good for about a mile or two and then it will start to run bad again . it over heated and we had some work done to it and then it ran good for about a year and all at once it started running bad. the catalatic converter was getting fire red so took it off thinking that was the problem. and i also noticed that
alot of black stuff was in the top cover that the air filter runs into.on top of the engine the fuel injectors are undernieth this cover. what can i do to fix this problem i have put a grat deal of money in this car i have had it since it was new and it still looks new. i really want to keep on driving this car it has 129,000 miles on it. helpAuto question?
What makes you think the intake manifold is the problem? What I would do is to go to the local auto parts store and pick up the repair book on this car. They are very detailed and will walk you thought step by step on how to replace, remove, and reinstall the intake. Sounds like there are other problems with it other then just the intake (assuming that the intake does have a problem) if the cat was getting red hot it would seem that the car is not getting enough fuel. If you smell gas you may have a fuel leak or a bad plug. Both of these would cause the car to run rough. The black stuff in the air cleaner could be carbon build up that is getting pushed though the PCV system in to the air cleaner. Check you PCV valve to see if it is clogged.Auto question?
your problem with your catalytic converter is likely caused by a lean condition in your engine and you probably need a tune up. but the intake gasket problems with these cars are notorious. the job takes about 4.5 hours straight by a trained technician. it involves removing both uper and lower plenums and valve covers and is not something you can accomplish with just regular hand tools, there are torque specs, and small hand tools required to finish the job.
i recommend getting a mechanic to do that one, and while they are working on it, they can check for fuel leaks etc. because it will be up on the hoist afterwards to do a mandatory oil change after working inside of the engine.